Friday, 24 August 2012

Week 4

and I am still learning and getting used to the tools, before starting the real work. As time goes by, the tools and technologies get more specific and custom tailored to solve a specific problem.

This week I had my introduction to the Obeo Designer. I started with small steps reading and trying to understand Viewpoint. For this purpose, the "Viewpoint Specifier Guide" is, in my opinion, a very detailed document - this compared to my zero knowledge on this topic. Further, it was very helpful and made much more sense when put together in a practical example: The Obeo Designer Tutorial.

I have faithfully followed all the steps in creating the basic family example. The Specifier Guide was during the training a very good reference point as I returned for detailed explanations very often to it. It was sometimes a bumpy road, as I didn't correctly understood some steps, or some tools just didn't wanted to work as expected. It was a great volume of information that I assimilated and still there are issues which I do not understand and do not work... A small break, patience, reading once more the documentation and talking to my mentor should fix this.

This week, I have created my first basic graphical modeler for a simple example. I found it very interesting, challenging to assimilate the new technology but also rewarding when elements did, what they were supposed to do!

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